Jesus - Love


EXCELSIS is a legally registered, non-profit organization specialized in disciplining and equipping Chinese Christian businesspeople in Mainland China.

Founded in 2009, Excelsis has developed dozens of topics related to business administration, hundreds of training sessions in 90 cities in China, and numerous online training through the Internet.


In the past three decades, the world has witnessed China undergoing a dramatic economic boom. At the same time, another unprecedented dramatic change has taken place, which is now known as the spiritual revival of Christianity. To date, conservative estimates are that there are at least 80 million Christians in China, 100 times more than the number in 1950 after the founding of the PRC.

With this revival, an emerging community of Christian businesspeople suddenly appeared for the first time in China’s history. It is estimated that there are half a million Christian businesspeople in more than 100 cities. However, the Chinese churches are not yet prepared to pastor this community of businesspeople. It is an urgent task to help this generation of Christians to grow healthily in Christ. Within this context, Excelsis came into being.

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What Vision?

Excelsis embraces a vision that there will be many little Christs in China’s marketplace in the future, running businesses in a sustainable way by following the teachings of Jesus Christ.

What Mission?

In order to realize our vision, Excelsis is devoted to pastoring Christian businesspeople through holistic training, which includes systematically developing biblical management theories, delivering different subjects, and practically transforming businesses.


YES, Excelsis is an anointed ministry. It is proud of its various unique elements:

  • A holistic framework for marketplace theology and a systematic series of biblical management subjects, including business management, biblical leadership, biblical worldview, biblical character, biblical family, and Kingdom economy.
  • An extraordinary leadership training program delivered in the USA with on-site visits, deep fellowships and devotions, seminars, one-on-one counselling, and fascinating sightseeing.
  • An amazing Bible reading method that enables the laity to understand the Bible quickly, deeply and precisely, and thus enjoy and experience personal intimacy with God.
  • A wide range of network connections home and abroad. To date, Excelsis is connected with more than 120 business fellowships in 90 cities in China and a huge overseas network in the USA, Canada, Europe, Korea and Southeast Asia.
  • A summit platform for Christian business leaders. Excelsis so far has successfully organized five Christian business leadership summits in China and overseas, and has co-organized many training sessions with different partners.
  • A huge audience attending Excelsis’ online training and fellowship. Excelsis has established dozens of “mustard groups” all over China and online training and fellowships through WeChat, YY meeting or Skype.
  • A remarkable integration of physical resources home and abroad for retreat and devotion.


Dr. Jerry Yu is the founder, current president & CEO of Excelsis Institute He received a Bachelor’s Degree from Peking University in 1988, a Master’s Degree from Academic Sinica in 1991, and a Ph.D. from National University of Singapore in 2003. Dr. Yu was the Assistant Dean of the School of Economics at a prestigious Chinese university, specializing in regional economics, real estate valuation, urban planning and property management.

To date, Dr. Yu has conducted hundreds of leadership training sessions in 80 cities all over China. He has organized approximately 120 business fellowships attended by more than 20,000 participants. Dr. Yu has also delivered small group online training. Dr. Yu is the founder and senior pastor of Rainbow Home Christian Church in Singapore, focusing on pastoring Chinese students, intellectuals and professionals in Singapore. Dr. Yu has a strong interest in ancient Chinese scripts known as the oracle bone script, and has made many original findings.

The co-founder and current Vice President of Excelsis Institute is Mr. Jon H Xiao, who is also director of overseas leadership training. Mr. Xiao is a successful business owner in the oil and gas industry. His expertise includes company start-up, strategic marketing development, value chain management, enhanced oil recovery, and produced water treatment, etc. He is a strong entrepreneur with a certificate in Faith, Work, Ethics and Corporate Culture from BIOLA University in Los Angeles. Mr. Xiao is an excellent team leader, serving others by following Jesus' example.

Dr. Emily Zeng, Psy.D. is contact person of Excelsis Institute in USA. She is also supervisor in charge of logistics arrangements. Dr Zeng is a licensed psychologist in New York, working with children and families with special needs. Dr. Zeng witnessed many miracles all her life and is passionate about healing and fulfillment of Bible prophecies. Her vision and calling involves China, the US, and Israel, three of her favorite nations on earth.



What Excelsis expects is to partner the like-minded people and organizations so as to take this historic opportunity to advance God's Kingdom in the marketplace.

In so doing, Excelsis would like to invite you:

  • To co-develop some more relevant and workable curriculums, training materials, and programs for the Christian businesspeople;
  • To co-organize and co-conduct training classes for the Christian businesspeople;
  • To co-conduct E-learning courses for the Christian businesspeople;
  • To collaborate in the translation work onthe Chinese and American literatures regarding the marketplace theology;
  • To co-organize some kind of summit for the Christian businesspeopleso as to strengthen the mutual understanding and co-operation between different nations for God's Kingdom.
  • To co-operate in providing some more relevant and effective consultancy services for the Christian businessmen and transform their businesses, etc.
Contact Us


Singapore | +65-94518179 |

Canada | +1-403-6176968 |

If you have any question, please leave your name and email below, we will get back to you as soon as possible.